스마트 팩토리란? Introduction to Smart Factory
스마트팩토리란?▪2011년독일하노버산업박람회(Hannover Messe) 언급 ▪ “스마트팩토리는인더스트리4.0의핵심구성요소 (Smart factories constitute a key feature of Industrie 4.0, Kagermann et al., 2013, p. 19) ▪ “The Smart Factory is defined as a factory that contextaware assists people and machines in execution of their tasks.” (Lucke, Constantinescu, & Westkämper, 2008, p. 115) ▪ 이전부터수많은논문에서생산자동화시스템, 스마트팩토리, 자가개선공장(Self-Improving Factory), 스..